This section of our site is in development and will feature events, festivals, expos and happenings throughout North and South Carolina.
Do you have an event that you’d like to have us add to the Carolina Today event calendar?
Events should have the following qualities: they should be related to the general health, wellness, or quality of life subject matter that we feature on the site, and they should be welcoming and accessible to the general public.
Submissions: If you’d like to submit an event for consideration, please email us with details, including website address, dates, and contact information including phone number for staff. All event listings are free of charge.
Thank you for letting us know about great events so that we can share that news with our readers!
Test Sentence
Testing for sentence length. Testing for sentence length.
Test Sentence
Testing for sentence length. Testing for sentence length.
Test Sentence
Testing for sentence length. Testing for sentence length.
Placeholder Text
For the featured article.
Test sentence with title of article here.
And a test sentence with the title of article here.
And another test sentence with title of article here.
A fourth article title here, just as a test sentence.